12 July 2013

Another sunny day in paradise..

So today the sun is shining and it doesn't look like there's a rain cloud in the sky, of course this can change fairly quickly. Hopefully this will help in reducing water levels around the river and I promise, when things are back to normal, I'll put some photos up to show you how it normally looks so you can appreciate our concerns.  Perhaps now I can start putting things back down on the floor!  Anyway, I thought I'd share a post I planned to put up earlier in the week.

When we first moved in, I was very excited to find banana trees out in the back yard.  You can imagine my horror when last Saturday morning, I opened the back window shutters to find that "our" banana tree (well the one that's directly behind our house) had collapsed.  I have no idea what to do, any suggestions?

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My lovely raincoat was given to me as part of a leaving present from my friend Jo and miraculously it's still in one piece! Can't understand why these haven't taken off in the fashion stakes but rest assured I'm doing my bit.


  1. Anonymous12 July, 2013

    Rain soaked trunk perhaps? Same thing happened to a palm tree in our garden one year. Chopped it down and it grew back next year. P.s love the condom (raincoat) xx

  2. No way, that's amazing! So maybe there's some hope for our tree. Thanks for appreciating the dress sense!


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